Academic Bulletin
The Office of Academic Records is responsible for the annual publication of the Academic Bulletin. As such we work with department and program personnel to accurately maintain the informational, course, and curriculum sections of the bulletin using Curriculog and Acalog, software applications designed to help us coordinate, create, edit, approve, and publish the bulletin. To accomplish this goal we conduct personalized training sessions in the use of Curriculog and Acalog as requested.
Bulletin Online - Current academic bulletins as well as previous years' bulletins are here.
Curriculog - Use this system to propose course or curriculum changes for the bulletin. Login required. Please contact us to sign up and receive training.
Acalog - This system is used to maintain and publish the bulletin content. You may use Acalog to edit some non-curricular departmental information. Login required. Please contact us learn more, to sign up, and receive training.
Timeline and Important Deadlines
Please click here to view the bulletin cycle timeline.
Contact Us
Office of Academic Records
Phone: (269) 471-3233
Manager: Kevin Wiley